How Long Does Sculptra Take To Work?

How Long Does Sculptra Take To Work | Ella Medical Aesthetics

As we age, the body’s natural processes in certain areas decline, including collagen production. We develop wrinkles, saggy skin, and fine lines when that happens. To solve the issue, we will turn to Sculptra, one of the trendy cosmetic treatments promoting skin rejuvenation and reversing aging signs. Cosmetic treatments have come a long way. Back then, you need to turn to surgical applications to reverse aging. Thanks to modern technology, you won’t have to go through that. As simple as several injections, Sculptra uses an innovative formula that penetrates deep into the skin laters to rebuild and restructure your lost collagen. Since the solution penetrates deep, the solution effectively restores and rejuvenates the outer layers, leaving a youthful and vibrant look. There is no need to pursue other surgical methods to reverse aging through simple injections!

How Long Does Sculptra Take To Work?

The treatment brings in a formula that stimulates collagen productions within the skin, and that takes time before results show up. Collagen is a steady natural regrowth, but most patients will see the results in a few weeks. Due to the treatment, your face becomes noticeably plumper because the solution is injected into the skin—similar to plumping a balloon with air. The effect didn’t occur yet, so after a while, the plumpness gradually fades to the point as if you didn’t take the injections. Fear not; the results will show for sure. As the collagen production increases for the next subsequent weeks, the skin noticeably looks healthier, plumper, and younger. Your fine lines, wrinkles, and other indications of aging gradually fade. 

What Is Sculptra

Sculptra is one of the most innovative dermal fillers currently on the cosmetic treatment market. By injecting a formula into the skin, it replenishes the collagen, which reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. The formula placed into the skin is poly-L-lactic acid, which is synthetic and biocompatible, so your body won’t reject it. 

How Does It Work?

The treatments stimulate collagen production, but why collagen? What’s the purpose of collagen in our skin? Collagen is one of the prominent proteins you can find all over your body. You can find it in your skin, liver, ligaments, tendons, bones, and hair. It acts as a support structure within your skin, keeping it plump and youthful. Collagen is sort of like the pillars that are holding the skin up. So what happens when those pillars start to crumble, and nothing replaces them? The structure above it also crumbles, but since the skin is elastic, you will develop creases—these are the signs of aging. Your body delicately balances hyaluronic acid and collagen to keep the skin firm and also hydrate the skin. This relationship between the two also maintains elastin, which keeps the skin elastic, and moisturizes the skin. 

What Does The Treatment Involve?

Seeking an appointment is the first thing you have to do. During that time, make sure that you find the best provider you can. Check their reviews and before and after photos of previous clients. Do not hesitate to be picky. After all, the provider will be the one that will handle your face! During your consultation, your provider will discuss the areas that will be treated and your cosmetic goals. If you have any queries, this is your opportunity to do so. They might also ask about your medical history to see if you have any allergies or prescriptions that might affect the treatment. After that, they can schedule you an appointment, and on that day, you can finally experience the treatment. The treatment will start by applying topical anesthesia, and it will take around 30 minutes to take full effect. Using an exceptionally fine needle, your doctor or provider will then inject the needle into your skin area, as discussed in your previous appointment. 

As you can see, apply anesthesia and then inject needles, it’s very straightforward. Typically, the treatment will take around 20 to 30 minutes. In total, you’ll be in your provider’s clinic for about an hour. To achieve the expected results, you may need an additional two to three more treatments spaced between six to eight weeks. However, it will depend on your goals during the treatment. You might only need one, and some might require two to three more. The treatment has no downtime, and as soon as you are out of the clinic, you can go back to your daily routine. The final result of the treatment is noticeable once you finish all the treatments and two to three weeks pass by. 

Where Are The Injections Applied? 

The Sculptra formula can be applied anywhere on your face. Your provider can use the treatment against fine lines, wrinkles, smile lines, and marionette lines. They can also use it against hollow cheeks and temples or improve the jawline. Anywhere there is a skin thinning, they can volumize it to diminish signs of aging. 

How Long Do The Results Last?

The solution is applied to so many areas, volumizing them, which makes them plump, firm, and strong. The gradual collagen production process allows the treatment to last a long time. It’s not a one-and-done treatment; the formula will continue to produce collagen along with your body’s natural albeit small collagen production. After you’ve finished all the treatments, the results will last up to one to two years, in rare instances, even three years. To avoid experiencing your previous appearance, we recommend that you try the treatment again when you reach the two-year mark. There are other dermal fillers and hyaluronic fillers on the market, but many of them only last for a few months. 

Find The Right Provider For Sculptra!

Sculptra is one of the most effective cosmetic treatments in the market that can successfully stave off signs of aging. It’s a safe and minimally invasive procedure, with no incisions whatsoever. If you are interested in a Sculptra treatment, be sure to check out ELLA Medical Aesthetics. They are a boutique specializing in anesthetic practice, providing curated patient services and experience to ensure that the patient is satisfied with the results. 

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