

Kybella | Ella Medical Aesthetics

Kybella Treatment

Losing fullness under the chin can be difficult, even with a healthy diet and consistent exercise regimen. Kybella is the only FDA-approved prescription injectable used for eliminating submental (under the chin) fullness, often referred to as the “double chin.” Using deoxycholic acid, Kybella targets the membranes that store fat cells, destroys them, and eliminates their ability to store fat. Eventually, the natural processes in the body remove or dramatically reduce the fat in the treated area, leaving behind a chin profile you can feel confident about!

Kybella is a non-surgical treatment option that requires little downtime and only kills the fat cells in the treated areas. Kybella can be used to treat other small pockets of fat, such as bra bulges, areas of the stomach, and the inner thighs. The treatment is quick and ideal for most patients over the age of 18, but it is important to discuss your goals or concerns with our team of experts at Ella Medical Aesthetics.


Kybella is a non-surgical prescription injectable used to eliminate submental (under the chin) fullness, known by many as a double chin.

Kybella is injected into treatment areas to destroy and eliminate fat using a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid.

You will see results within 2-3 months of treatment.

The results from Kybella are permanent! The cells can no longer accumulate or store fat once they have been destroyed.

The number of treatments varies from patient to patient. At Ella Medical Aesthetics, we will determine how many treatments you will need, but they will not exceed six total treatments.

You may experience bruising and swelling after Kybella treatment. Schedule your appointments at least two weeks before any special occasion or event.

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